DUBTOPIA XI w/ justice rivah sound system, phrex, cutkachi & new.com

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on friday august 25th, 2017 from 9.30pm @ rössli, reitschule bern

dubtopia XI presents family vibes & 12″ dubtopia 001 vinyl release:
JUSTICE RIVAH SOUND SYSTEM w/ IYAH RANKS on the mic (justice rivah muzik; sg)
PHREX (dubtopia, re:st, sub.fm; be)
CUTKACHI (dubtopia, re:st; be)
NEW.COM (comfortnoise, dubexmachina, bold; zh)

powered by the earthrattling justice rivah soundsystem & hosted by C4TR

reggae – dancehall – bass

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treibhaus luzern sommerbeiz: concerts & afterparty w/ kackmusikk & new.com

on saturday july 29th, 2017 from 5pm @ treibhaus luzern, spelteriniweg 4, 6005 luzern

in concert:
COLLIE HERB, LA NEFERA & JEAWA (hug life allstars)

KACKMUSIKK (sonder void)
NEW.COM (comfortnoise, dubexmachina, bold; zh)

rap – hiphop – reggae – dancehall

>>> hosted by viva con agua luzern
subscribe on fb here

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MUTE x BOLD @ hive

on friday july 14th, 2017 @ hive club, geroldstr 5, zürich

disco: mute
ZERO T (uk; metalheadz)
VILLEM (uk; metalheadz)
FD (uk; soul:r)
KEEN (ch)
MC MARVELOUS (ch; nme click)

tanzstube: bold
TRUSS & TESSELA aka OVERMONO (uk; xl records)
GUYUS b2b INK! (ch; bold)
NEW.COM (ch; comfortnoise, bold)

drum'n'bass – bass music – techno

>>> subscribe on fb here

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soirée culinaire-musicale w/ ana, julie, michel, corinne, marius & gaspard

on friday june 16th, 2017 from 7pm @ l'entre-deux, la chaux-de-fonds

ital foods by 
le menu: acras de morue et samosas veggie sauce chien – poulet coco et riz créole – ti-punch (rhum, sucre de canne, citron vert) – voilà!

riddims by
GASPARD DE LA MONTAGNE (creaked, la chaux-de-fonds)
NEW.COM (dubexmachina, comfortnoise; zh)
reggae – tropical

>>> subscribe on fb here

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auf die sohle w/ comfortnoise ploy (f.e.m. salon)

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on saturday april 29th, 2017 from 10pm @ friedas büxe, friedaustr. 23, 8003 zürch

f.e.m salon presents:
comfortnoise ploy (a.k.a xeed, new.com, iyah ranx & rjega – zh)

main floor:
gorge (8-bit; mannheim)
andreas ramos
fabio siverino

>>> subscribe on fb here

Tanzen! – Wenn ein Label Auf die Sohle heisst, dann ist ja wohl klar worum es geht: Endorphin-haltige Fitness, erzeugt durch Fussbewegung. Klingt nach Fitness, ist aber lustig. Jedenfalls ist das

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COMFORTNOISE CLUBNIGHT w/ wandler & new.com

friday march 31st, 2017 from 12pm @ klub kegelbahn, baselstrasse 24, luzern

comfortnoise clubnight w/

WANDLER (zürich)
NEW.COM (comfortnoise, dubexmachina; zürich)

techno – bass music

>>> subscribe on fb here

comfortnoise clubnight is a label for cutting-edge club events featuring advanced dubwise electronic music.
>>> comfortnoise clubnight

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COMFORTNOISE CLUBNIGHT w/ garçon & new.com

friday january 27th, 2017 from 12pm @ klub kegelbahn, baselstrasse 24, luzern

comfortnoise clubnight w/

GARÇON (amenthia; basel)
NEW.COM (comfortnoise, dubexmachina; zürich)

techno – bass music

>>> subscribe on fb here

comfortnoise clubnight is a label for cutting-edge club events featuring advanced dubwise electronic music.
>>> comfortnoise clubnight

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COMFORTNOISE CLUBNIGHT w/ comfortnoise ploy

friday december 9th, 2016 from 12pm @ klub kegelbahn, baselstrasse 24, luzern

comfortnoise clubnight w/

COMFORTNOISE PLOY (comfortnoise; zh)
a.k.a. xeed, new.com, iyah ranx & rjega

dub – techno – bass music

>>> subscribe on fb here

comfortnoise clubnight is a label for cutting-edge club events featuring advanced dubwise electronic music.
>>> comfortnoise clubnight

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COMFORTNOISE CLUBNIGHT w/ p.bell & new.com

friday september 30th, 2016 from 12pm @ klub kegelbahn, baselstrasse 24, luzern

comfortnoise clubnight w/

 P.BELL (lethargy, beatpirates; zh)
NEW.COM (comfortnoise, dubexmachina; zh)

techno – bass music

>>> subscribe on fb here

comfortnoise clubnight is a label for cutting-edge club events featuring advanced dubwise electronic music.
>>> comfortnoise clubnight

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