our mixes & podcasts in the deep spirit of dub culture:
– comfortnoise podcast 114 (dubz)
– comfortnoise podcast 109 (dub versions)
– dis ya wot mi gon’ likk now (dub/roots/rub-a-dub)
– dis ya wot digiversion (digital roots, ragga & early dancehall)
– recording of the warm-up to lee ‘scratch’ perry @ exil zürich (from rocksteady to dancehall & backwards)
– comfortnoise podcast 090 (100bpm dancehall)
– comfortnoise podcast 078 (reggae-dub)
– comfortnoise podcast 076 (dub/steppers)
– comfortnoise podcast 074 (novel dancehall)
– comfortnoise podcast 068 (steppers dub)
– comfortnoise podcast 060 (8-bit reggae)
– comfortnoise podcast 057 (dub, roots & rub-a-dub)
& texts: basslines column
1. book section:

bradley, lloyd (2001). bass culture. when reggae was king. london: penguin.
– brilliantly written & comprehensive; based on social & political facts as well as critical & theoretical considerations
→ see our column basslines 6: roots, dancehall and karaoke in the zweikommasieben magazin #15

collingwood, jeremy (2010). kiss me neck. the scratch story in words, pictures and records. london: cherry red books.
– the thrilling full catalogue of lee ‘scratch’ perrys discography; with hundreds of pictured stamps and other visuals

gilroy, paul (1993). the black atlantic: modernity and double consciousness. cambridge, massachusetts: harvard university press.
– suitable for all those who like to get a deeper, critical as well as political, even provocing comprehension of what black music means and can/could be
→ see our column basslines 4: roots and routes in the zweikommasieben magazin #13

hope, donna p. (ed.; 2015). reggae from yaad. traditional and emerging themes in jamaican popular music. kingston/miami: ian randle publishers.
– a collection of academic papers of variable quality; we recommend helber’s “between ‘murder music’ and ‘gay propaganda’: policing respectability in the debate on homophobic dancehall”
→ see our column basslines 8: ding dong vs pum pum in the zweikommasieben magazin #17

hope, donna p. (ed.; 2013). international reggae: current and future trends in jamaican popular music. kingston: pelican publishers ltd.
– a collection of academic papers of variable quality; we recommend köhlings & lilly’s “from one love to one hate?: europe’s perception of jamaican homophobia expressed in song lyrics” as well as kasafi perkins’ “love the long ding dong: tanya transgresses christian sensibilities?”
→ see our column basslines 8: ding dong vs pum pum in the zweikommasieben magazin #17

hope, donna p. (2006). inna di dancehall. popular culture and the politics of identity in jamaica. kingston: university of west indies press.
– great participating study about the gender order and violence in modern jamaican dancehall culture
→ see our column basslines 8: ding dong vs pum pum in the zweikommasieben magazin #17

katz, david (2012). solid foundation. an oral history of reggae. revised & expanded second edition. london: jawbone press.
– exactly as the title says; from the very beginnings to the present

katz, david (2006). people funny boy. the genius of lee ‘scratch’ perry. london: omnibus press.
– a meticulous baseline study of lee ‘scratch’ perrys wicked musical life

lesser, beth (2012). rub-a-dub style. the roots of modern dancehall. toronto: beth kingston.
– from the early days into contemporary dancehall; dealing with a great variety of topics
→ find this book online here
→ see our column basslines 7: I and I in the zweikommasieben magazin #16

lesser, beth (2010). the legend of sugar minott & youth promotion. beth lesser/muzik tree.
– a richly illustrated biography of sugar minott: the notorious balladeer, lovers rock originator and early dancehall don
→ find this book online here

lesser, beth (2008). dancehall. the rise of jamaican dancehall culture. london: soul jazz publishing.
– awesome collection of unique pictures and presentations of artists; in a king size format

lesser, beth (2002). king jammy’s. toronto: ecw press.
– jammy as the undisputed king of the digital turn in the 80ies; presentation of the corresponding artists & background

muggs, joe & stevens, brian david (2020). bass, mids, tops: an oral history of soundsystem culture. london: strange attractor press.
– a collection of profound & expertly executed interviews with the protagonists of uk soundsystem culture, from the beginnings to this day

nova, nicolas (2014). 8-bit reggae. collision and creolization. geneva/paris: near future laboratory + éd. volumique.
– a dense & comprehensive outline of the seminal cultural hybrid called “8-bit reggae”: chip music, sound systems that use c64 computers and reggae bands that occasionally employ a game boy to generate bass lines instead of proper instruments >>> purchase this one at éd. volumique
→ see our column basslines 4: roots and routes in the zweikommasieben magazin #13

sullivan, paul (2014). remixology: tracing the dub diaspora. london: reaktion books.
– following dub’s influence on the development of the mc, the birth of sound system culture, the postwar jamaican diaspora; postpunk, dubtechno, jungle & dubstep
→ see our column basslines 4: roots and routes in the zweikommasieben magazin #13

veal, michael e. (2007). dub. soundscapes & shattered songs in jamaican reggae. middletown, ct: wesleyan university press.
– concentrating on dub as a technology of recording; well-grounded analyses of single rhythms; ambitiously theory-driven; cultural science at its best
→ see our column basslines 2: everything can be dub has no end? in the zweikommasieben magazin #11
2. movie section:

soul jazz records (2002). the studio one story. the original. soul jazz records (SJRCDDVD68).
– the ultimate introcution into sir ‘coxsone’ dodds totally fascinating legacy; on dvd, with a cd
→ still available!
natal, bruno (2009). dub echoes. videograma/soul jazz records (SJRDVD200).
– an oral history of the formation of dub and its evolutions until today
→ still available!
→ see our column basslines 2: everything can be dub has no end? in the zweikommasieben magazin #11

timmermans, ludo (1991). lee scratch perry: the unlimited destruction. jet star phonographics.
– a collection of enigmatic statements & behaviour patterns of one of the most prolific & original dub producers (back in the days), filmed at his at that time home near zürich/switzerland
percy irie & guydance (2013). soul rebel. dub, reggae and sound system culture. mighty ital studio
– a documentary on sound system culture in the uk

henzell, perry (1972). the harder they come.
– motion picture w/ jimmy cliff in the leading part
→ watch this movie online here

bafaloukos, ted (1978). rockers.
– reggae influenced motion picture
→ watch this movie online here