comfortnoise makes a contribution to zweikommasieben #11 with the column basslines: everything can be dub has no end? (yeah, that’s how the english title should be!), featuring michael e. veal’s dub. soundscapes & shattered songs in jamaican reggae (wesleyan university press, 2007).
we’re happy to announce the release of the 11th edition of zweikommasieben magazin featuring the sprawl (aka mumdance, shapednoise und logos), beatrice dillon, hieroglyphic being, kuedo & joe shakespeare, hallow ground, tcf, norbert möslang, dalglish, tasty morsels, moon wheel, danse noire, seekae, rvds and oneohtrix point never.
>>> get some additional info to the making of here
the text can be downloaded in an extended version here:
→ english: Basslines_2_Everything_Can_Be_Dub_Footnotes (pdf)
→ german: Basslinien_2_Alles_ist_Dub_Fussnoten (pdf)
→ see the blog entry essential, annotated DUB LIBRARY for further dub related books & movies

>>> see all issues of basslines!
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